
14.02.2017 12:54


And I'm looking forward to hugging both of you - actually in person!

07.02.2017 20:22

Pete Henkels

Hi,I am Troy's dad. Troy set me onto your website and that is a great adventure you all are having. I got a Harley when I got out of the army in 1968 and I would rather ride than eat at that time.

07.02.2017 22:25

Rach & Paul

Hey there! Thanks Troy's dad! So pleased to bring back memories for you- and we've really enjoyed Troy and Tracy's company.

04.02.2017 15:03


Well done we've followed you with interest
Lots of luv Ann and Laurie Relton

02.02.2017 18:29

David J

Love reading your stories about Argentina --- thanks for sharing!

30.01.2017 14:24

Lesley Cox

You two are amazing! Many, many congratulations on such an achievement! Much love, Lesley and Alan